Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Breaking Dawn

Saturday August 2, 2008 The Breaking Dawn was released. So Jon decided to buy my all 4 hardback books of the Twlight series today right in front of me (how rude huh? lol ). BUT he won't let me have the books till our anniversary September 23. That is Two months from now!! I still have to finish the Chronicles of Narnia and Jon says I have to a least finish it before I can read the 4th book. I can't wait to get my hands on it. lol


Unknown said...

oh now, that IS cruel!!! BUT YAY!!! I'm so glad you HAVE all of them now!

Andee said...

What!? You can't read Breaking Dawn until your anniversary! How mean! I say that only because I'm finished and I want you to read it!!